Seth's Geeky Projects

The second law of thermodynamics states that whenever you do something constructive, there is a less-organized waste product. This is mine.

things I've used in the past ten years
A geo-data visualization tool. Not the first of its kind, but non-proprietary and works reasonably well.
probability calculator
A simple conditional probability calculator. I needed to compute some things and I wanted to brush up on JavaScript. Also, the UI for similar calculators I found out there is terrible. The code is almost, but not quite, a general-purpose forward-chaining inference engine.
A fork of Shattered Pixel Dungeon
My kid and I collaborated on a few new game features: wand of anti-magic, flying carpet artifact, and forgetful challenge. We play this version, so I try to integrate upstream releases without too much delay.
At the height of the Wordle craze, I wrote a brute force solver and solved all possible games in my own "harder" mode.
My AI MSc thesis project's classification tasks redone using deep learning.
Georges Seurat coloring book
It's a silly joke. In truth, his art is far more sophisticated than the joke implies. It's worth looking closely and deeply at the paintings and learning more about the context. But enjoy the joke before you spoil your ignorance! :)

old things I haven't deleted yet

A hacked version of xmatrix that outputs to files. I used this to make geeky start up sequences for my Android devices.
Henry Fingerprint Classifier
I wrote a Javascript implementation of the mostly obsolete Henry fingerprint classification system.
untar[link to here]
I hate when I untar something and it spews files into my current directory. For a long time my solution was to be in an empty directory. Now I use my untar script. It peeks into the tarfile (even if it's compressed) and untars it into a subdirectory if it thinks it's not going to be well behaved.